How’D I Get Here Podcast

The Podcast For Positivity, Progression & Finding Your Own Path

You ever find yourself somewhere and think how’d I get here? You ever reach your end destination and not be happy? Or find yourself in a situation and questioning why something is happening? We’ve created a healthy space and platform to have these conversations. We aim to inspire, motivate & have the uncomfortable conversations that life has to offer & to help people become the best version of themself. We want to help you know How You Got Here.

How'd I Get Here


How'd I Get Here 〰️

Recent Episodes

Our content can be found across all major streaming platforms.

We're at the halfway point of the year and I'm sure we've all had a lot of lessons learned. Jacob & Ash focus on some of their lessons learned this year. Learning to be independent is good and people should learn to be by themselves, but don't isolate yourself and not let people in at all. Sometimes it's easy not to ask for help because its easier to let yourself down than expect things from others. We know expectations are the root of all evil but they also are not fair because you don't know if those were the feeling or intentions that person had for themself. Most importantly learn to SHUUUUUUT UP. Can't always speak when in an emotional state or speak at all. We've learned a lot of lessons and hope to finish the year strong.

Peace is something that should be protected at all costs. But sometimes that’s easier said than done. When you throw relationships, friendships and work into the mix sometimes your peace will get sacrificed. You have to know when to protect yourself or let your guard down. You have to acknowledge the difference between protective your energy and protecting your peace as well as do they coincide or are they different. Tap in with our live episode that was one for the book!

It takes a lot of bravery to put your dreams and art into the world and it’s even harder when you’re producing and writing your own movie. TJ Noel Sullivan made his dreams come true by producing & writing “Midas”. It’s a a heist comedy recorded right in our own backyard of Hartford, CT. TJ left what many would consider a dream job to make his dreams come true. This is only the beginning of his journey & it’s only up from here.



Coming Soon

Stay tuned for upcoming community events, happy hours & more!